the sound of horror: a study of sound design in science-fiction and horror film

WZBC 90.3 FM
Boston College
7-11 p.m. EST
Hosted and Produced by Brian Carpenter
Co-hosted by Mike Frengel and Michael Neel

Special Guests: Stephen Barden, Craig Henighan, Stephen Jay Schneider, Ren Klyce, and Ron Nagle. 


about the documentary

The Sound Of Horror is a 4-hour study on sound design in science-fiction and horror films. This radio program has been used in universities across the world in study of sound design. Included are clips, interviews, and examples of classic director / sound designer collaborations such as Francis Ford Coppola / Walter Murch (The Conversation, Apocalpyse Now). David Lynch / Alan Splet (Eraserhead, Blue Velvet). Films studied include Psycho, The Haunting, 2001, Alien, The Exorcist, Blair Witch Project, Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Seven, and Requiem for a Dream. 



Brian Carpenter is an engineer, filmmaker, and composer for the genre-bending band Beat Circus and leader of the NYC-based Ghost Train Orchestra. Carpenter is currently authoring a book on sound design in horror films. 

Mike Frengel is a PhD in electroacoustic music composition and on the faculty at Boston Conservatory and Northeastern University, where he teaches sound design.

Michael Neel is the writer/director of Drive-In Horrorshow, which HorrorHound Magazine calls "a creative spin on throw-back anthology horror", and a regular guest host on Outside the Cinema podcast. 



Steven Jay Schneider is a PhD in Cinema Studies at NYU and philosophy at Harvard and editor of several books including "Dark Thoughts: Philosophic Reflections on Cinematic Horror" and "Fear Without Frontiers". Steven also produced the Bravo TV documentary "The Scariest Moments in Film". 

Craig Henighan has worked on sound design for films such as Red Dragon and Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan. Craig Henighan is based out of Los Angeles. 

Ren Klyce is an Academy Award-nominated sound designer best known for his long-time collaboration with director David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club.) Interview courtesy of New Line Cinema and Warner Home Video. 



This program is currently archived and will be rebroadcast at a later date. For a 4-CD set of the program, contact Brian Carpenter via the CONTACT page. Academic and teaching requests only please.